Photo credit: Karen Sayre Eikon Photography
As long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by history. Maybe it was the way my father could make people like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln come alive for me through the stories he told on our daily walks. I loved those stories. They stirred my heart and fired my imagination. Today many years later, I try to do the same thing on paper or on the web. My passion is connecting people to the past in meaningful ways through the stories I tell. As an historian and a writer, I am always on the lookout for those little details that will make an historic figure or a situation come alive. I want my readers to feel as though they are in the room or on the battlefield with the people I’m describing. I especially like telling the stories of women, minorities, and ordinary people whose lives and achievements are often not so well known. I also like writing about well-established historic figures such as the U.S. presidents and first ladies in new and interesting ways. Always my goal is to write the kind of history that is faithful to the facts, compelling, and full of life.